Don't Forget!

Community Table Talk
Join the conversation about PURE and discover all the incredible initiatives they're undertaking! Share your thoughts and insights as we celebrate the positive impact they are making in our community. Your voice matters, and together we can amplify the great things happening with PURE!
If you are unfamiliar with PURE or have received help from us, we invite you to email us and share your thoughts for the table. Your insights are important to us, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Well let me start by saying thank you for everything you do for the community I just read up on your organization from a family member who told me about you tonight.
Heather. B
Dear PURE,
I was totally blown away by the information that you provided in a presentation to our class, as I said to you, before today I had never heard of you guys or the services that you provide.
I love how personal it is to you, the emotion and empathy I could hear in your voices as you were sharing. Genuine compassion and authenticity is rare in the world we live in today, so to see it so clearly in an organization that is entirely dedicated to the children in this county. I had no idea just how large the homeless population of children in our county is. When I think about the homeless population my mind just naturally goes to adults. It is heartbreaking to actually hear the how all that effects the kids.
I am definitely behind your purpose and mission and will share about your services as well as the need for donated resources at every chance I get. I am really involved in outreach in our community and am excited to share "the wealth" so to speak.
Thank you for all your time, dedication, commitment and relentless unconditional positive regard for the people in need. You guys are true advocates for what matters most, my hope is that some day the world catches on and the direction that humanity is taking starts changing direction for the better, thank you for leading the way in our small part of the world.
Sincerely, Heather. B
B. Douglas County, Ore
Thank you for coming in an inspiring our class. I believe what you are doing for the community of Douglas county is important work and should have more support. I have started following your social media and look forward to your next event where I am hoping to have my sons volunteer for your organization and give back to the community.
Thank you again,